Horizon 2020

BEACONING, un proiect european de cercetare si inovare care promoveaza invatarea prin joc

Copiii se nasc azi cu instincte digitale, fiind aproape tot timpul prezenti in comunitatile online si pe retelele sociale Datorita accesului foarte timpuriu si extensiv la tehnologie, copiii de azi gandesc si proceseaza informatia mult diferit fata de generatiile anterioare. In consecinta, adaptarea profesorilor, considerati de sociologi “imigranti digitali”, la limbajul si stilul de invatare

RomSoft Innovates in Data Privacy by Launching Project OPERANDO

OPERANDO Data Privacy H2020 Project, RomSoft

The first days of June found RomSoft at the beginning of an exciting journey – the start of a new Horizon 2020-funded R&D project: OPERANDO (Online Privacy Enforcement, Rights Assurance and Optimization).  Besides RomSoft, the OPERANDO project consortium includes partners from several countries: Oxford Computer Consultants Ltd – UK, Arteevo Technologies Ltd Israel, Stelar Security