Author Archives: Dan Iordache
Romair Consulting
Romair Consulting is a company with 100% Romanian capital, founded in 1997 in order to provide business and management, planning and engineering consultancy services. The main objective of Romair Consulting is to provide excellent quality services for its clients, so that it will be recognized as the best national provider for technical and financial solutions
Ziua Comunicațiilor 2020
Marti, 15 septembrie, incepand cu ora 09.30 are loc cea de-a 24-a ediție a conferinței „Ziua Comunicațiilor”, la care au confirmat participarea – Dragoș Preda, Secretar de stat, Ministerul Transporturilor, Infrastructurii și Comunicațiilor (MTIC) • Eduard Lucian Lovin, Vicepreședinte, Autoritatea Națională pentru Administrare și Reglementare în Comunicații (ANCOM) • Sabin Sărmaș, Președinte, Autoritatea pentru Digitalizarea
Deviqon Labs Srl
Deviqon Labs is a software services company headquartered in Cluj-Napoca,Romania. We stand out through the quality of the software we deliver, the dedication shown while crafting it and our deep rooted respect, for our clients. Our approach to software engineering combines strong technical know-how, Agile delivery methods and a blend of code, quality practices and
Hannover Messe 2020, 20 – 24 aprilie
Dragi Membri ARIES In perioada 20-24 aprilie 2020, ARIES organizeaza participarea membrilor nostri, in cadrul celor doua standuri nationale in cadrul domeniilor “Automation, Motion & Drives” si “Digital Ecosystems” la targul Hannover Messe 2020. Cele doua profile ale delegatiilor sunt: Factory, process and energy automation, Control and regulating technology, Measuring and testing technology, Electrical and